Why Sentra

Because it’s Time for Security to Travel with Your Data

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The Challenges Sentra Solves:

Sensitive Data Risks

Engineers are leveraging cloud data in new and powerful ways but lack security guardrails

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Compliance Audits are Time Consuming

Security teams don’t have an automated, continuous way to understand where their data is and who has access to it.

The Data Attack Surface has Grown

Data breaches have become more expensive because sensitive data is sprawled across the enterprise’s infrastructure, making exposure more likely.

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Increasing Amounts of Shadow and Orphaned Data

Organizations are leaving secrets like credentials and IP behind in forgotten data stores.

Sentra’s Unique Approach

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Sentra’s API-only approach does not require any agents or sidecars, providing a zero maintenance experience.

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Quick Time to Value

With setup taking only a few minutes, you’ll get full visibility to your data in hours, not months.

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Your Data. Your Environment

Your data always stays in your cloud environment for maximum privacy. There’s also no impact on your workloads and databases' performance.

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Learn More About Sentra

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