May Shemtov

Software Engineer

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May Shemtov
Decoratives Balls

Tell us about your background

I grew up in Gesher Haziv, a kibbutz up north. Got into tech with the Magshimim program and then spent around 5 years in unit 8200. While in the IDF, I started studying computer science at the Open University. Now, I'm living in Tel Aviv, biking to work and loving it.

Why did you choose to work at Sentra, and when did you join?

Meeting the people here was a stroke of luck, everyone's sharp, and the product? 

Wow, it's basically reinventing the cyber wheel. Here, creativity isn't just a buzzword; it's how we roll. When I first heard about Sentra, it was like, 'Aha! A whole new puzzle to solve.' It feels like we're painting outside the lines of the cyber security world in the best possible way.

What is your role and what are your responsibilities?

I'm on the scout team, tasked with powering Sentra's scanning capabilities. Our job spans from integrating Sentra into the client's environment to diving into the raw data itself. It's a role that places us at the heart of multi-cloud systems, demanding a broad understanding of the intricate ways things operate.

What advice do you have for people getting started in your field?

Don’t sweat the big, complex stuff, dive into those big, tricky systems like it’s your own. Challenge them, tweak things, and when it feels right, make large changes.

What’s the best thing about working at Sentra?

People are warm, funny, and super professional in their field. You can always find that there is a lot more to learn.

Can you tell me something surprising you discovered while working at Sentra?

The sky's the limit when it comes to how much ice cream a human can devour in a single day.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?

Rome does sound like an incredible choice, with its endless sights and layers of history to dive into. The food is amazing also, which is <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">the main reason</span> - a nice bonus.

What's on your professional 'bucket list' that you'd like to accomplish in the next 5-10 years?

I wish to make Sentra scan weird entities that store weird data all around the world.

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